Preformed Overhead Line Fittings Products prides itself upon its own in-house, NATA accredited test lab, for the mechanical testing of overhead electricity line fittings. We regularly updates and simplifies test gear to keep leadership in this region of expertise.The newest acquisitions created by the test lab are a Bruker Q2 Ion Spectral Analyser for assessing raw material content, a Charpy Tester for analyzing the brittleness of alloys in sub zero temperatures along with also an Ultra-sonic tester for identifying defects in forged and cast materials. With more and more raw materials coming from off-shore, we considers it’s in best practice to test forging steels and aluminum components before fabrication and earlier receipt on inventory. This practice is made as an added check to the distribution source, because these provide chains have shrunk together with the decrease in local fabrication of several metals.
YIPENG LINE EQUIPMENT is still in the forefront of design, manufacture and quality management, and during in-house testing along with other endeavors, remains the industry leader in airborne Power Line Hardware such as transmission and distribution power lines.
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