Spindle/Insulator Pin, also referred as ‘hanger pins’ or Insulation Pins, are either stud-weldable, or designed to be bonded with adhesive for non-welded systems. Non-weldable pins are designed with the spindle mounted to a solid metal base.
The metal base is available with a ready-to-use ‘peel and stick’ backing, or a perforated base to be bonded with suitable adhesive. A self-locking washer (clip or dome) is applied over the protruding spindle to retain the insulation.
We supplies a variety of pins and Spring Washer that are available in a range of metals such as stainless steel, galvanised steel, aluminium and nylon to suit various surfaces and different fixing methods.
139 3299 4143
136 0330 7999
0319 878 9350
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